SAM & FUZZY, by Sam Logan (updates M/W/F)

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May 26, 2003

Would you pay 16 dollars US (plus 3 dollars for shipping within North America) to buy a shirt with Sam and Fuzzy on it? Speak up!

Son of a #$%*@!!!!

Ever have one of those days where your textures just start flashing and jumping around, even after you reinstall your drivers? Did I mean that sentence literally or metaphorically? YOU DECIDE!

You didn't miss my guest strip at Scary Go Round, did you?

Damn right you didn't.

Sam Logan

May 23, 2003


As you may have already heard, I have done a guest strip for the always enjoyable Scary Go Round which will be running this Saturday. I really enjoyed the opportunity to step into John A's shoes, even if they were intimidating in size (and to a lesser extent in smell.) Looks like the other artists so far have been having a good time as well... be sure to take a look!

Oh yes, and to those of you who have just arrived here by way of said guest strip.... hi!

Sam Logan

May 21, 2003

Get me a hacksaw

24, has had some rough patches, but any doubts I had about its status as my favourite TV show evaporated with tonight's season finale. Admittedly, the show is, in many ways, a soap opera. But also, shut up! It's totally sweet! Did you see what he did to that guy? With that thing? And damn, did you see that obscure plot twist coming up? I didn't even know one of those could explode like that /!
Be sure to check out the DVD collection of season two whenever FOX gets around to releasing it.

Also, did you read Tuesday's Machall? I probably laughed more than I should have.

Sam Logan