Last Day to order swag and get pre-Christmas delivery!
Be aware, American pals! If you want to give the gift of Sam and Fuzzy this Christmas, you need to order it today using Express shipping! After today, it will simply be TOO LATE. Unless you are OK with giving tardy gifts. (I know I am OK with you giving tardy gifts.)
Hard to believe the holidays are almost upon us! We'll be running two more strips in this storyline -- on Friday and Monday -- before switching over to our traditional seasonal intermission of holiday-themed strips. I hope you enjoy!
-Sam Logan
Whew! It was a heck of a campaign, friends, but when all was said and done, we managed to raise 200% of our goal for the Sam and Fuzzy RPG kickstarter! Thank you, everyone, for your incredible support, and for helping us secure so many awesome additions to the project. When all is said and done, I think we're going to have a pretty fun game AND an awesomely thorough guide to the Sam and Fuzzy universe!
And with that, it's back to business as usual! (Well, as usual as it gets around here.) I've got a full week ahead of me working on the game, drawing next week's special season comics, and trying (most likely in vain) to find a friggin Diddy Kong amiibo. Tough cartoonist life! See you on Wednesday.
-Sam Logan
Kickstarter Ends Today at 9pm Pacific Time!
This is it my friends... the final day of the Sam and Fuzzy RPG Kickstarter!
It's been a pretty crazy ride so far. And amazingly, thanks to your incredible support, we've been able to introduce yet another stretch goal... adding a new section to the universe guide expanding on some of the Committee's more... unusual members!

Keep in mind that, thanks to the support of our backers, we've already been able to expand the project to:
-Introduce the comic's never-before-explored Squid people, and the history of their faction, the Kalamari Dynasty!
-Make Shapeshifters playable, and adding their secret history to our universe guide!
-Add a special exclusive Sam d6 to all our bonus packs!
-Include an entire second playable campaign featuring Mr. Sin, the Cyborg Mafia, and Buddy Bears!
-Add a bonus chapter with an optional conversion to the FATE ACCELERATED gameplay system!
This is what I love about Kickstarter... being able to translate backer support directly into more cool stuff! Not only will we be able to make our game... but we're able to make it even bigger and better than we'd originally pitched! As for how much more... well, we'll see what the last day brings!
-Sam Logan
(And don't forget, original art fans... there are also a handful of exclusive giant art pieces and a few remaining custom commission tiers, if you are interested. Check em out!)