Ninjas. I can't stand them. They're everywhere.
The reason that it is taking so long for me to get the Ninja Mafia shirt ready is that I'm having trouble designing it. But I think I may have a winner. Do you like the rough version below? Or would you prefer one without the van? If you think you would actually buy one or the other, email me and let me know your preference. Please be honest! If you don't think you'd buy either, I am OK with that. We're cool.

You know, I never conciously restrict myself to the standard four panel format -- only a consistent height and width for the overall comic. But I usually wind up with four panels anyhow because it's hard to fit a joke into three panels or legible artwork into five.
Sam Logan
PS: Nintendo sure knows how to keep me happy.
Ready to rock if you wanna roll, please step away from the vehicle
Over at Comixpedia (warning... this month's title graphic approaches being Not Safe For Work) this month is an interview with Dan Piraro. Piraro draws Bizarro, which is the basically the best thing you'll ever find in a newspaper.
Unless, you know, someone put some money in there. BLING BLING BLANG BLONG I dunno.
Sam Logan
Stricken from the record and deemed inadmissable
Sam doesn't mention it in today's strip, but readers who have good memories (or the motor skills necessary to click a mouse) will remember the name of the woman he is talking to from her only previous appearance.
After hours of toil and deliberation, I have managed to make a mix CD. That guy from High Fidelity has got nothing on me. It's all about the transitions, man. Does this song start with a drum riff similar to the ending of the previous song? Is this song a similar style to the last, but slightly faster? Or is it slower, but in the same key? Is it time to go for the extreme contrast transition, jumping from a slow quiet song to a loud fast one? Or has that been overused?
I have a problem. I also, however, have a mix CD. I was going for a generally up-tempo pop-rock mix with occasional injections of other music styles to stop it from getting too monotonous. This is what I wound up with. Am I the first person ever to follow up a song by Converge with a song by ELO? That would be neat.
Sam Logan