Unit 01
The complete saga of Unit 01 was chronicled in Crossed Wires... one of my favourite Sam and Fuzzy stories! You can find it collection in Volume 6 of the S&F books (available in print here or in ebook form here), or read it on this very website right here.
Come back on Wednesday for our next comic!
-Sam Logan
Office space
It has been awhile, but you may recall: Fidgital is renting a table at the Saucy Hippo club during daytime hours to use as his office. This story takes place right after that one, which is why Fidge is still in one piece. (I am pretty sure this will be the last story I tell here that takes place before that... uh... event.)
Come back on Monday for our next comic!
-Sam Logan

Problem Solver
Dev is here to help.
Come back on Friday for our next comic!
-Sam Logan