Inhuman Outfitting
Our latest story began its life as a pair of (lightly) nsfw gag strips that I drew for Patreon last month. They wound up inspiring me to write a whole mini story exploring the implications of inhuman halloween costumes, so by gosh, that's exactly what I did. I hope you enjoy it!
Come back on Wednesday for part two. See you then!
-Sam Logan
Scary spending
I hope today's comic didn't scare you, friends! That's actually just Baker in the comic. It's not an actual loaf of bread.
See you next week, team, when I shall return with more spooky nonsense. Cheers!
-Sam Logan

Hack hack
Spooky season continues with today's festive comic! And speaking of spooky... we are getting a ton of forest fire smoke around here these days. I'm really not used to having to think about it, especially at this time of year! I (rather stupidly) spent several hours outdoors on the weekend before I really realized just how smokey it had gotten, and wound up making myself pretty sick. Spent most of Monday and Tuesday trying to sleep through what felt like a terrible, painful headcold.
Anyhoo, I'm feeling better now... and am happy to now know for sure that it was severe allergies and not covid or something. But let my dumb ass be a reminder: if you live somewhere affected by forest fire smoke, keep an eye on that air quality index and limit your exposure time as much as you can. Especially if you are an allergy sufferer or asthmatic! Stuff is still on fire out there and it can really mess you up.
-Sam Logan