Gamer Quiz
How did you do, gamer? Did you game all the games? Merry gamesmass and a happy references to you.
I honestly can't imagine anyone getting all of these, especially since some of these things are general enough to have appeared in multiple games. But if you do, congratulations on achieving ultimate perfect-bound flocked corrugation.
See you on Monday, team!
Neutral Chaos Archipelago
I guess I have "fake" series on the brain these days, because while I was having fun making up that Sonic-style Baker and Dipper universe, I was also goofing around fleshing out Alicia's favourite TV show, Neutral Chaos Archipelago.
This poster was a test piece! I wanted it to have a bit of an "animated series" look, so I tried using thinner, more evenly-weighted lineart and psuedo-painted backgrounds. I was pretty happy with the result, and I hope y'all get a kick out of it, too.
That's all for today, team. But see you on Friday!
Life Comics
And this is why I don't do more autobio comics!
There's a secondary aspect to this comic conceptually that I really enjoy. In comics, when you have to depict an artist character drawing something, you generally draw their drawing in a simpler art style than your comic's art style, to make it clear that it's meant to be an in-universe drawing. So in this comic, I wanted to show that each successive version of Sam is drawing their comic in a simpler style than the style of the reality he lives in. (And that's why I didn't just copy/paste the first two panels over and over and just make them smaller. Haha!)
See you on Wednesday, team!