Tongue twister
And so, the frog gets a taste of his own medicine. Or at least a taste of his own back. (Weird.) I had a lot of fun drawing the fantasy world sequence for this little series! I hope you enjoyed it, too.
See you all on Wednesday, team!
Gorf Knows All
I like this Gorf guy. He seems trustworthy.
Thanks to everyone who nabbed one of my new shirts or pins during our special discount preorder window! For those of you who missed out, don't worry... you can still get in on 'em. (And if you'd like to, please do!)

See you on Monday, team!
Final Day for T-shirt Preorder Discounts!
Yes, friends, it's the last day to preorder one of our new shirts! Which means it's also the last day to save an extra two bucks on 'em. So get 'em while the getting's good!

Come back on Friday to learn the froggy fate of our corgi hero! See you then, team.