Xmas Throwback
Since I'm not going to be able to make a new Christmas special this year, I thought it might be fun to revisit some old holiday material. So let's go back... way back... to the year 2000, when I drew this pre-webcomic Sam and Fuzzy story a few months after graduating highschool.
The biggest novelty of this comic is the appearance of Trevor... a character who didn't make it into the Sam and Fuzzy webcomic until year eighteen. In this old comic, he was a pretty one note parody of a particular kind of right-wing crank. A couple of years later, this take was already feeling dated... although at this point, it has maybe wrapped back around to feeling uncomfortably familiar. In any event, Malcolm took the role of conspiracy theorist in the webcomic, so I didn't have much use for Trevor until I radically re-invented him eighteen years later.
The other notable thing about this comic, at least to me, is how similar Fuzzy is to Max from Sam and Max. Although Sam and Fuzzy were originally created as a childhood diary comic long before I had heard of Sam and Max, they definitely went through an extremely Sam and Max-y phase in the late 90s when I was first trying to transform them from diary comics to stand-alone characters.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed seeing (or revisiting) this ancient piece of holiday "magic" more than Trevor and Fuzzy did.
Meanwhile, holiday deadlines are fast approaching in my online store! They are:

We are past the point where we can guarantee pre-xmas arrival for our non-US buyers, but Americans still have a chance with UPS 3-day!
Something from the archives for you today, friends, as we are swamped. This piece, based on a Patreon backer suggestion, mashes up Sam and Fuzzy with the "Almighty Tallest" characters from Invader Zim. This idea really spoke to me because, as many of you will know, I wrote a bunch of the Invader Zim comic book and am pretty fond of all those characters! It would absolutely make more sense to cast Fuzzy as Zim, but Fuzzy would never agree to it.
Yesterday was Jesi's first day of chemo. They are basically day long sessions, and they'll be weekly for the next while. But the staff there were all great. It's tough thinking about how hard this is all going to be on Jesi, but I'm trying to stay positive and am doing my best to help them and keep them comfortable. I know a lot of you have been through similar things, either yourselves or with family. It's tough, but we'll get through it!
Thank you
First off, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who sent in well wishes. It's been wonderful to hear from so many supportive folks. Some of you even shared your own experiences battling cancer, which was very moving. It has really been a hell of a time over here, and it means a lot. I know we have a long road ahead of us, but Jesi is ready to fight and beat this thing. (And I'm ready to do whatever I can to help.)
For today's update, I thought I'd share this Scooby Doo parody that I drew for my Patreon last year. It features Sam and Fuzzy, as well as classic era S&F cast members Aaron, Alexa and Andrea. I added some dialogue and a logo because only now, over a year later, did I think of calling him "Foozy-Doo". True genius takes time! Or something.
(Incidentally, the original inked artwork for this Scooby Doo parody piece is one of the ones currently available via my art sale, if you particularly like it.)
Thank you again, everyone, for all your support. We really appreciate it.