"Surprise Plot Twist" Sam and Fuzzy Twitter Sketch-Off today!
When is it happening? Once at noon for the day crowd, and once at 7pm for the evening folks. (Pacific time -- click here to figure out when that is in your timezone.)
What am I doing? I'm spending the day drawing sketches based on the suggestions you tweet at me. (Or email me, if twitter isn't your thing.) This time, the theme is surprise Sam and Fuzzy plot twists. I want to hear all your best ideas for:
-unexpected career changes or life reinventions for the core cast (Fuzzy becomes a superhero! Buddy takes over the Ninja Mafia!)
-inexplicable secret conspiracy and explanation reveals (Noosehead enslaves the world with mind-control music!)
-surprise character returns, hidden identity reveals, secret villains and double-crossers... whatever you can imagine! (Fridge is back! As a time-traveling disco sensation!)
Just try to keep your suggestions to ones that don't require drawing a billion characters at once -- to keep things rolling, I will tend to favour the ideas that only involve drawing a couple of characters at a time.
Where can I see 'em?
I'll post the drawings on twitter as I finish them... or, you can watch a stream of the drawing process on livestream!
How can I buy 'em?
If you'd like to buy a drawing -- be it one that you suggested or just one that you like -- email me and let me know! As usual, I'll be selling the finished drawings for $25 each, or for $50 if you'd like it marker-coloured.
All right! Let's do this thing.
-Sam Logan
Twitter Sketch-Off Wednesday, Fan Expo this weekend
Sketch-Off fans! I'll be doing my next "Twitter Sketch-Off" -- where I spend a few hours drawing art live based on your tweets and emails -- this Wednesday. This time around, the theme is "unexpected Sam and Fuzzy plot twists", and once Wednesday hits (but not before, please), I'll be looking to your tweets and emails for suggestions. I'll be doing one batch of drawings at noon PST, and another in the evening at 7 PST. Should be fun! (And as usual, if you like how a particular drawing turns out, they'll be available to buy after the stream.)
This week also brings the second ever Fan Expo Vancouver! Like last year, I'll be sharing a booth with my pal Alina from Weregeek, and we both hope to see a bunch of you there.
-Sam Logan
Sam and Fuzzy Q & A: Ending Edition
Got a question you want answered? Just drop me an email with "Q & A" in the subject line!
"Wow! It looks like Devahi is getting what she wanted. But is Sam finally realizing what a great person she is, or is this just a rebound fling? Also, what will Conscience Cat say about this?" -Emilie
It turns out I answered your last question right in today's comic! How is that for convenient? I don't think "TAKE THE HANDSHAKE" will be appearing on any future t-shirts, though.
Sam and Dev's personal relationship is complicated as much by their respective personalities as it is by the bizarre circumstances they have now found themselves in. For now, I will leave it up to you guys to decide exactly why each of them is doing what they are doing. I think there's a lot of food for thought in there.
"Did you see someone put your Watson/Watsoff drawing in a new tumblr post without a credit? It got reblogged a lot more than your original post did. :( " -Aaron
I did, yeah! (Although I won't link to the person who did it because, y'know, that really just makes it worse!) Unfortunately it kind of comes with the tumblr territory.
As always, I think the best thing to do is focus on encouraging as many people out there as possible to be good artist-friendly Samaritans... to credit when they share a piece of art, and if you see an uncredited piece somewhere and know the source, try to let folks know. In this case, several of you tried to do just that, and I appreciate it!
In other news, I was toying around with translating that Sherlock joke into a shirt. Thoughts, team?
"Whenever you draw a sword, the handle always seems way too short. Not when someone's holding it, but when it's sheathed. Do you ever think your sword handles are too short?" -Anthony
The blades (and context) of the swords in my comic imply that they are katanas, but I can't resist drawing stumpy little pirate-sword style handles and crossguards on them. I think it's my inner cartoonist lashing out. (He's already grumpy because I've stopped drawing rabbit ears on TVs.)
"Will this question get published?" -William
No. Wait, crap!
-Sam Logan