All right! Here we are in November already, somehow. How did that happen? Where am I?
I know I've been teasing one last big new Sam and Fuzzy project before the end of the year. It's a collaborative project being work on by both myself and others for well over a year. I'm still not quite ready to stop all this vague insinuation and reveal what it is. But here is a clue:

More on Friday!
-Sam Logan
Volume 4 free digital bonuses now available
Team! If you are one of the folks who managed to nab a copy of Volume 4 before Saturday, your free digital goodies have now been emailed! (I sent them to whatever email address you used to place your Topatoco order.)
If you don't see the email in your inbox, please check your spam filter! And if you can't find it in there either, just drop me a line and let me know. Everyone who bought their book before the 1st is entitled to their big pile of free crap!
As usual, all the bonus ebooks and desktops are now available in my Gumroad store for those of you who missed the order window but still want to get them. (They aren't free anymore, alas, but thems the brakes!) I'm particularly happy with the Art of Fate e-artbook, which wound up being over 60 pages long. Yow!
-Sam Logan
Limited Bundles and New Shirts
Today is the day, my friends! Today is the final day to order the special limited bundle version of Volume 4. (IE: The version that comes with a custom character portrait and bookmark/button set.)
It is also the last day to get a free bundle of digital goodies with your order of any version of Volume 4. The bundle includes:
-A PDF ebook copy of Volume 4
-4 desktop wallpapers
-A PDF e-artbook that collects of all the character portraits I drew this month. I'm happy to annouce the book is now over 50 pages long!
I'll be emailing the bundles out next week! I'll make them available to buy separately later this year, but if you want to nab 'em for free now is your chance.
But that's not all! Today is also the first day you can acquire one of my two new t-shirts. Readers have long requested a Hazel shirt, so I put together a stylish wordless Cat Burglar number to fill the void. It's subtle! I also made a shirt with Shannon that is a joke about videogames. It is the opposite of subtle. Enjoy!

Whew! I guess I have been pretty busy making a lot of stuff. And I still have one more exciting secret thing to unleash before the year is through. More on that next month!
But for now, enjoy all these things, and come back on Monday for our next strip. See you then, team.
-Sam Logan