This is where we used to live
The old apartment! Boy, it's been a long time since I had to draw this sucker. (A copy of the omnibus has been living on my desk for the last little while so I can dig for appropriate reference material.)
Did you know: in the original strips, there were almost no shots of Sam and Fuzzy's apartment building from the outside? Prior to today's strip, I'm pretty sure this is the clearest view we ever had of the front door. To current me, that seems like madness... establishing a sense of setting is so important! But at least it means I've learned one or two things in the last 14 years.
Also, unless I'm terribly mistaken, we never saw their actual apartment number. So I've made one up! (There was a reference to it being four floors up, though, which is why it's a 400 number.) See... we're learning SHOCKING SECRETS ABOUT THE PAST already!
Come back on Friday for a new comic and a new round of reader Q and A. (If you have a question you'd like me to answer, just pop it in an email with "Q and A" in the subject line.) See you then!
-Sam Logan
Six Years Earlier
Hello, friends! Today, we kick off a very special chapter called Sam and Fuzzy: Six Years Earlier! It's going to be an interesting one for a number of reasons, but the biggest hook is probably that it takes place during the "Classic" era of Sam and Fuzzy... that is, the era of the first four real-life years of the Sam and Fuzzy webcomic.
I suspect that when we make the print collections, this story will become the (very large) first chapter of Volume 6, but it's really more of a stand alone side-story... a mini-volume between 5 and 6, if you will. But it has a lot of implications for Volume 6, and should also shed some light on some of what's come before, too. I hope you enjoy it!
-Sam Logan

That's a wrap for the saga of America's greatest leader! We return on Monday with the first comic of our new story! (Patreon backers can expect a sneak peek arriving a little earlier.)
Speaking of Patreon, the new rewards are out for this month! The latest issue of Sam and Fuzzy Extra -- a bonus PDF magazine of art and behind the scenes stuff -- is now available to download for anyone backing at the $5 level or higher. And for $10+ backers, I've updated the "Secret Art Vault" with some classic comics, some hi res halloween and commission art, and some moderately saucy pin-up work. Stuff to be had!
Sam and Fuzzy Q & A: Trevor Edition
Got a question you want answered? Just drop me an email with "Q & A" in the subject line!
"In Sam and Fuzzy's Christmas of Terror (and Fluffy Bunnies) we saw some generic (likely underground - related) villains, Mr. Carter and Jackson, using an army of robotic Billy ver. 2.0 rabbits to steal presents and attack Sam. While their offensive hardware isn't as advanced as the new Buddy Bots, they were TELEPATHICALLY CONTROLLED! Why wasn't Mr. Sin using this technology instead of hack-able voice commands even though it's been available for approximately 6 years?" -Derek
Derek, I am sorry to report that Christmas of Terror is completely, utterly, 100% not-even-slightly canon. It is a part of the old "classic" Sam and Fuzzy series that I drew when I was a teenager... the same continuity as the old comics I used to give out as Book Club bonuses, and that currently live in the Patreon Art Vault. Sad, but true. Fuzzy's "cousin" Trevor also doesn't exist. Sorry, Trevor!
That said, I think Sin probably used voice commands because they're more satisfying to yell! Or maybe it's so the commands don't conflict with his control of his exosuit, which IS controlled by thought reading. I'm not sure. Pick the reason that makes the most sense in your heart.
Incidentally, another reader has pointed out that the links to some of the other old Christmas specials in the archive are no longer working! I'll try to figure that out today.
"No new book this year? Say it ain't so!" -Holly
There's no new book this year because the comics that will be going in said new book only just finished running... TODAY! It'll be coming out early next year.
This one wound up being, uh.... exceptionally long. (Around the size of the books in the two-volume Omnibus, rather than the books in the modern series!) So I think we might need to crowdfund the sucker. I'll keep you all posted, though!
That's a wrap for this week. See you on Monday, team!
-Sam Logan