Skull Panda Builds a Snowman
I can feel it... the creeping urge for seasonal content! So to wrap up the week, I thought I'd (re)share one of my all-time favourite Skull Panda comics. It's been many years since Rikk bestowed the original upon us, but this more recent version features a little aesthetic sprucing up by yours truly so that I could print it on some Christmas cards. (Don't tell Rikk... I haven't been sending him any royalties.)
Incidentally, those Christmas cards (and bunch of others) are available in my Topatoco store, if you would like to inflict them on your own friends and family! There's two sets of four: one S&F-themed set and one dog-themed set.

Come back on Monday for our next comic!
-Sam Logan
Steamy Suggestion
As I mentioned before, "Steamy Suggestion" is a remixed excerpt from a longer "nsfw" story that I originally drew for the Saucy Hippo Patreon tier back in 2019. But this particular page is actually brand new! I always felt like a beat was missing from this scene, and so... I have added it, George Lucas style! No one can stop me. (I've gone back and added a verison of it to the original story on Patreon, too!)
Come back on Friday for our next comic!
-Sam Logan

Original Art Sale
Just a reminder: I'm currently selling off a bunch of my original physical artwork! Click here (or the image below) to view the full gallery of everything that's for sale. A bunch of stuff has already been scooped up, but there are still lots of fun pieces available. Prices are as marked... if you see anything you like, just email me at [email protected] and I will hook you up!

Our next comic arrives on Wednesday. See you then!
-Sam Logan