The pantheon of S&F tech billionaires expands once again, with Egon and Corporate Cat now joined by... Steve. I guess poor Steve has the thinnest skin of all of them, but really, a robot having any amount of skin is still pretty impressive.
We return on Wednesday with our next comic. See you then!

See you on Friday with our next comic, team!
Last Chance T-Shirts in the S&F Store!
Alas, all good things must come to an end. And no, I don't mean Fidgital's conversation range. I mean some of my oldest t-shirt (and apron) designs!
They had a good run, but it's time to retire these bad boys to make room for new stuff. So we're putting 'em on sale! Most of them are already marked down, and I've also been authorized to give you a coupon code for an extra 10% off all our "last chance" items. That code is BAKERS10, and it will work until March 1st.

That's all for today, my friends. But I will be back on Monday with our next comic! See you then.
February Patreon Goodies
Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!
And speaking of V-Day, I've got a bunch of new seasonally appropriate bonus content available for my Patreon backers this month! There's a new Valentine's-themed bonus comic for all backers. And over on the Saucy Hippo tier (where my adult comics live), our long-running Dev-and-X NSFW romcom storyline is getting very seasonal, if you catch my drift.
Thanks to everyone backing my Patreon at any level... it's thanks to you that I get to make all this stuff!

See you on Friday with our next comic, team!