Today's guest strip by
Comet 7's Dave Tekiela
A message and some words to call your own
Dave Tekiela is frequently a man of large pixels, but today's strip (and occassionaly his
own comic) shows that he has a firm handle on the smaller variety, as well. Dave's strip for us today is the kind that gets funnier and funnier every time you read it... even if it is a touch more disturbing than this comic usually gets. I mean, killing off one of a comic's major cast members in a guest strip? How rude!
What kind of cartoonist does that?
What a week of purchasable entertainment this is shaping up to be! In the next five days,
Metroid Prime 2,
Half-Life 2,
Alien Hominid,
Viewtiful Joe 2 and the new edition of
The Iron Giant on DVD will all be landing in stores. I definitely won't be buying them all at once, but honestly, I probably shouldn't be buying any of them until I get this Christmas special finished!
Sam Logan
Continued from previous archive page
Secondly, we have a comic from Jim Burgess, a man who usually spends his days
drawing cartoon monkeys and sheep doing funny things. It looks like he could have a lucrative second career in marketing. Jim's comic has a little something we like to call "synergy."
Yeah, I don't know either.
Sam Logan
Last chance to dance trance
Yes, today is the
last day to order I'm Capitalism and
I'm Communism shirts, as well as all hoodies, babydoll and long-sleeved ts in our other designs. Today is also the last day you have to hear me talking about it. Excitement!
O-GAWD continues today with a double-dose of Skull Panda madness! First, Eric A. Johnson, the man behind the skillfully crafted and perversely amusing
Radioactive Panda, ushers Skull Panda into the real world... uh, sort of. Eric's comic may be new to you, and that's a shame. You should already be reading it. I mean, seriously!
Continued on next archive page