Never hear the end of it
I love working with Malcolm. Not that I don't enjoy working with the other Noosehead members, but Malcolm is a particular favourite. He's seriously fun to draw, and his outrageous yet surprisingly perceptive dialogue is pretty amusing to write, too.
I never did report back with my final verdict on the new Sloan album. To make a long story short, it's a fantastic tour-de-force that spans multiple eras of rock-and-roll and pulls each one off with astonishing success. It's a million hours long without a second of filler, and basically is the best CD the band has ever released.
It could be the best release of the year. In fact, if a better album than this one is released in 2006, we are all really, really fortunate. Sloan! That's what I'm talking about. Enjoy it with your ears.
Sam Logan
For me to stay here I've got to be me
Remember Flick? Sure you do! It's pretty unlikely that he'd have anything to do with a murder, but he probably has plenty of other reasons for being nervous around police officers.
Sam Logan
Oh the places you'll go
The next issue of YES Mag -- which, for those of you just tuning in, is one of the two children's magazines I design -- is all about the origins of "simple but ingenious" inventions. Pencils, Spoons, Yo-Yos, LEGO... that sort of thing.
Our editor wrote the article's introductory page in the style of a Dr. Seuss book, and after much convincing, I agreed to take on the extra workload of creating a Seuss-styled accompanying illustration. I'm really happy with how it turned out. It was fun diving into the old Seuss books and trying to pick up on all the little quirks of his design methods and inking style.
My final drawing isn't perfect by any means, but at least it manages to scream "Seuss" when you look at it. You can have a look yourself by clicking the image below!

Sam Logan