Lots of enthusiastic reader responses lately, particularly to Monday's squip strip! Still, I guarantee you... no matter how much fun you had reading that last panel, it's not nearly as much as I had drawing it. Squip!
Anyhow, glad so many of you are enjoying the story thus far. The plot thickens on Friday. See you then!
Sam Logan

Blackbirds on the rise
I went to friend-of-a-friend Dan Kosub's independent CD release party more or less on impulse this weekend. Fortunately, this panned out way better than most of my usual completely uninformed decisions. (Screw you, Pepsi Blue!) Dan is a talented dude, and I am really enjoying his new stuff. Maybe you will, too! You can check out a few tracks on his MySpace page, and if you are so inspired, order a copy of the full shebang by joining his mailing list.
Also in attendance was Eric Hogg, another great local artist of intimidating skill. Watching these guys in action reminds me of why my own band would never have taken off. I mean, had it existed.
Posters and prints are still on sale. For those that are curious, I believe I am now about halfway through my Conscience Cat Limited Print stock. Knowing is half the battle!
Sam Logan

IRIS network
This is probably old news to anyone who follows the video game industry, but it looks like one of my favourite games of all time is finally getting it's much-deserved sequel.
Beyond Good and Evil was one of those rare "cinematic" titles that actually delivered on it's promise to integrate film-quality storytelling into a video game. Everything about it -- the story, the cast, the setting, the art direction, the music -- was wonderfully original and completely compelling. But these successes were bittersweet in light of the game's clearly definied place as the "first chapter" of a tale that was never continued. The title never really sold well enough to justify a sequel -- I guess the sci-fi adventures of a crusading female photojournalist and her talking pig uncle were not exactly sales dynamite.
But now, for whatever reason, we are finally getting a part two after all. And not just any part two, but one helmed by the original director and much of the original staff. That should help stave off any fears of a "Warrior Within"-style hack job to make the game more commercially viable. The first teaser trailer has already told me everything I needed to know. Talking pig -- still present. Success!
Sam Logan