Six more years
Despite my complete obliviousness at the time, Sam and Fuzzy's 6th anniversary snuck by a couple of weeks ago. Six years is a long time, Charlie! Just think... if Sam and Fuzzy was a human baby, I'd already be shoving him into boarding school so I could spend my days watching soap operas.
Anyhow, what do you say about 72 straight months of cartooning? I'm glad the comic has found an audience that enjoys and supports it. I'm glad the art looks a lot less terrible than it used to. But most importantly, I'm glad I still enjoy doing this as much as I did on day one.
(Because otherwise, this anniversary would probably qualify me as some kind of masochist.)
Sam Logan

Believe everyone is the future
Inert gasses only! None of this Hydrogen business. Dirigiba is extremely picky about that sort of thing.
Happy Friday the 13th, everyone! Say what you will about bad luck, but I'll still take it over a Monday of any number.
Exciting Conscience Cat Print Update: Well over half of our latest limited prints are now spoken for. It's been pretty fun coming up with unique captions for everybody! Curious to know which "category" of moral options has been the most popular? It's "disturbing", by a wide margin. That probably says something about my audience, doesn't it? (Something fantastic.)
Sam Logan
Lots of enthusiastic reader responses lately, particularly to Monday's squip strip! Still, I guarantee you... no matter how much fun you had reading that last panel, it's not nearly as much as I had drawing it. Squip!
Anyhow, glad so many of you are enjoying the story thus far. The plot thickens on Friday. See you then!
Sam Logan