Just a reminder... the ebay auction for the original Fuzzy Loves Megaman artwork closes today, at 12:25 PM (PST). Just click the image below to view the current bidding.

Have a nice weekend, everyone! Our story continues on Monday.
-Sam Logan

Earl's promotion occurred -- thoroughly on the record, it turns out -- back in this comic. Being done in by your own incriminating recordings is a boneheaded maneuver of the most storied tradition. Just ask Richard Nixon.
Response to the new shirts has been great! To make sure I have them ready in plenty of time for the holidays, I'm going to send in the order to my printer tomorrow instead of doing the traditional two week preorder campaign. I'm admittedly not super great at estimating how many I'm going to need without the preorders to judge from... but I'm going to give it my best shot and just sell them until we run out, darn it.
Meanwhile, the ebay auction for the original Fuzzy Loves Megaman artwork continues apace. For anyone interested, bidding closes on Friday at 12:25 PM.

Sam Logan
Shirt police
Our two new shirts go on sale today! And as usual, I have resurrected the Custom t-shirt 3-pack to celebrate. Ordering any three shirts of your choice will save you an extra $7... provided you order them before December 1st!
Putting together the Fuzzy Loves Megaman limited print kind of lunged me into a temporary childhood-reliving surge of retro-video-game-related illustration. And the culmination (and combination) of that work was this first new design.I've never done a gaming-related shirt before, and I may never do another... but man, I really, really wanted to do this one. So I did!

Click here to view the design in colour
Meanwhile, our second new design is one I've had in the back of my head all year! It was a heck of a project to put together, and is probably the largest and most complicated design I've ever done. But that's what it takes to really do justice to the enormity of the subject matter.

Click here to view the full design in colour
(The full shebang was way to tall to post here in it's entirety!)
So... new shirts! On sale. In the shop! I hope you like 'em!
-Sam Logan