Awkward cough
I'm sorry, team! I was really looking forward to doing some serious Q and A today -- I got some great questions last week! -- but sadly, good vibes are not the only thing I brought home from Comic-con. I've been running a fever all day, and am generally only managing to stay awake for a couple of hours at a time.
So please enjoy today's comic, while I rest up! I will do a mega-round of Q and A next week when I'm back at full strength.
-Sam Logan
PS: Also, please keep emailing and tweeting me your photos of your books and sketches! I've been getting them all week, and I gotta tell you, there's almost nothing that makes me feel better.

Post San Diego Thought Times
There was something a little different about San Diego this year. The show is traditionally the most gruelling convention of the year -- five 13+ hour work days in a row, in a completely packed convention hall. It's a non-stop rush of activity: meeting people, scrambling from place to place, meeting even more people, building things up, taking them back down, boxing, unboxing, working, cabbing, eating, partying... pretty much everything except sleeping. You're always glad you came, but by the time you head home, you feel like you're ready to crash into a coma for a week.
All that was still true this year. But this time, it didn't wear on me quite as hard as usual. There was just something about being there, in a sweet booth full of friends, all of them incredible artists, all of them getting to do what they love, that makes a guy feel lucky. There I was, sitting behind two books with my name on them, meeting readers who have supported me for years and new folks willing to take a leap-of-faith and take home a comic they were only seeing for the first time. It was a awesome thing to be a part of. Long, draining, exhausting... but awesome. Thank you so much to my friends in Topatoco, my webcomics comrades, and to all of you for making Comic-Con -- my entire comics career, really -- a reality. By comparison, my contribution seems pretty tiny.
-Sam Logan

San Diego Comic-Con is over, friends! I plan to spend my day making the trek back home, and then sleeping. Precious, precious sleeping. So let's leave the full con report until Wednesday!
-Sam Logan