Comic Chameleon
Sorry team! I'm running a little behind this week, and didn't have a moment to put together our usual Friday Q and A feature. But I did make this comic! So it's not all a dismal failure.
I also wanted to take a quick moment to tell you all about Comic Chameleon! It's a free, officially authorized and supported webcomic reader for iOS. Every comic in it (including Sam and Fuzzy) is there with the express permission of the creator. It's still in it's early days, but support for the full Sam and Fuzzy archives, newsposts and so on is still not there. But for keeping up with the latest strips on your i-device, it is ready to go if you need it!
-Sam Logan
PS: There isn't an Android version of Comic Chameleon yet. That said, there IS an official free reader-made Sam and Fuzzy app, which you can find in the Google Play store. So if that's your deal, have at it!
Finishing up some new t designs today! Hope you guys still want a Ship-Wrex shirt, because that is a thing that is happening. (Woo!)
As always, it's been a lot of fun stuff seeing all the fun stuff being revealed at this year's e3. But alas... still no Beyond Good and Evil 2. Next time, gadget! (I'm very patient.)
-Sam Logan
Game on (and on and on)
I had a lot of fun at this weekend's Vancouver Retro Gaming Expo, meeting a bunch of Sam and Fuzzy readers and drawing a lot of random game characters for kids and fans. I wish I'd taken pictures of them all! But I've posted the few I still have left on my tumblr.

I'm not going to put them up in my Etsy shop or anything, but if you'd like to buy one of them for my usual sketch-off prices, just email me and let me know.
Anyhow, it was a fun show! And a welcome respite from gaming's constant e3 hype train. (Of course, now that Ubisoft is teasing Beyond Good and Evil 2 again, it's time to get right back on.)
-Sam Logan