SAM & FUZZY, by Sam Logan (updates M/W/F)

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Jul 15, 2013

Kicks and Cons

That's a (ambiguous) wrap for our latest chapter! Before lunging into the next one, I'm going to spend the next few updates doing one-off comics that revist some of our comic's older cast. (Working on the Omnibuses has gotten me in the mood!) Tune in on Wednesday for the first one.

Speaking of the Sam and Fuzzy Omnibus Kickstarter -- we are now a stone's throw away from adding the first Sam and Fuzzy comic ever drawn to the books. (As well as free PDFs of a bunch of others.) A lot of folks seem really interested in seeing how Sam and Fuzzy came together, from confused childhood scrawlings to a massive 10+ year webcomic, so I thought this would be a good start!

Later today, I'll also be posting a kickstarter update showing some examples of concept art and other random doodles drawn during the Noosehead era of the comic, pulled straight out of my original sketchbooks. If you want a little insight into how far ahead I plan the comic, or what kind of stuff I doodle when I'm bored, I think you'll find this interesting!

And of course, this week is also San Diego Comic-Con! As always, I will be hanging out at the Topatoco booth in the webcomic pavillion, where they will be selling a wide variety of Sam and Fuzzy swag. A cool new side project I'm going to be working on later this year is going to be announced at the show, so there's lots to look forward to! AND LOTS TO DO, AHH

-Sam Logan

Jul 12, 2013

Sam and Fuzzy Q & A: Omnibus Edition
Got a question you want answered? Just drop me an email with "Q & A" in the subject line!

"Will the one-off Christmas special strips be included in the Omnibus? And is there any chance it would include a page or two showing Sven and Fluffy? (Still my favourite ever internet April Fool!)" -LB

The massive Omnibus that we are currently kickstarting collects every Sam and Fuzzy comic I drew and published online up to strip #1045, including the Christmas specials and, yes, even Sven and Fluffy. (Albeit in black and white, of course.) When I say complete, I mean COMPLETE. Ha!

And thanks to everyone's above-and-beyond support, it now also includes the two exclusive stories from the old out-of-print Sam and Fuzzy minibooks, and a brand new intro story featuring the X-Per-S crew and Fridge. (And it is well on its way to including an insane new alternate ending made by myself and Rikk Estoban, featuring Carlyle and Future Fuzzy.) It's going to be a hell of a book!

"Is the new intro story [in the Omnibus] a remake or do-over of specific earlier comics?"-Sam

No! It is a brand new Sam and Fuzzy story set in the classic era, about Sam and Fuzzy undergoing a performance evaluation at X-Per-S taxi. It's an "intro" story only in the sense that it is the first thing in the book, and therefore introduces the core cast of the strip to the reader. But the story in a new one that fits in alongside the original comics, rather than retelling or replacing any of them. (Which is good, because all those comics are in the book, too... even Volume Zero, which is included in a special bonus section.)

"Why isn't Dev in the kickstarter cast print?"-Alice

The kickstarter cast print only contains characters that appeared in the comics in the Omnibus, which is why there's no Dev, Edwin, Rexford, or any of the other post-Noosehead characters. I did consider including them all, but quickly realized they wouldn't all fit. Actually, there are so many of them, they could fill an entire second print! (Who knows... maybe some day I'll make that one, too!)

-Sam Logan

Jul 10, 2013


Wow, guys. I really don't know what else to say! When I first started putting together the plan for the Sam and Fuzzy Omnibus, I thought I was maybe being a little crazy. But I thought that, with your help, we could maybe make this crazy thing work... that with 30 days, we could put together enough money to fund the project.

And then you funded it in 8 hours.

That is crazy! You have no idea how touched I am to see that so many of my readers wanted to make this happen as much as I do. And the best part is, not only do we now get to make these crazy books, but we get to spend a month making them even more ludicrous! Bigger, prettier, loaded with even more new comics and other content, and packed with more bonus digital and physical items! Like I said earlier today to our backers: we can take this extra money, throw it at the books you already bought, and make them even better than they were when you bought them! How awesome is that?

I pitched a list of potential additions to the books, and backers are burning through it. Look how much extra stuff they've already crammed into this project, in less than two full days! (Maybe now people will believe me when I tell them how hardcore Sam and Fuzzy's fans really are.)

I'm especially excited to be able to add a new story set in the Classic era, and work with some of those characters again. (Fridge! I haven't written new Fridge comics in over half a decade!)

Thank you, guys. I really mean it. I have been completely taken aback by your generosity and enthusiasm. I am going to do my absolute best to earn it, by making the best books I possibly can!

Anyhow, enough gushing from me. Come back on Friday for an extra-long comic! (Because that's how I roll.)

-Sam Logan