Cameron Stewart and Babs Tarr have put together a pretty fun new costume design for the upcoming new Batgirl series. It has certainly inspired a lot of fan art since the day it was announced! In case you didn't already see it on my twitter or tumblr, here is my take:

There have been some great roundup collections of various online artist's new Batgirl pieces at i09, Comics Alliance, AV Club, and Dorkly, if you'd like to see what other people came up with! I rarely get to participate in these kind of internet fanart explosions -- I don't draw a lot of fan art! -- so it's been pretty fun to see my goofy drawing mixed in with all the other great pieces in these collections.
-Sam Logan
Sam and Fuzzy Q & A: Why are you doing Edition
Got a question you want answered? Just drop me an email with "Q & A" in the subject line!
"Do you foresee another major 'series' change somewhere down the line, or is NMS the third and final mega-chapter for Sam & Fuzzy?" -Alexander
Good question! As you mentioned, right now, Sam and Fuzzy chops up into three major arcs:
-The "Classic" Era: Where Sam is forced out of his mundane cab-driving life when he is inadvertantly pulled into a big Ninja Mafia conspiracy.
-The "Noosehead" Era: Where Sam is living as a fugitive, until he discovers he is technically the only heir to the Ninja throne and has to decide whether or not to accept it.
-The "NMS/Ninja Mafia" Era: Where Sam tries to use the Ninja Mafia to do good, and has to decide how far he's willing to go to achieve what he wants.
That last arc is our biggest one yet, and of course, is still in progress as we speak!
Every time I start to near the end of a big arc, I have decide whether there's another one worth telling, or whether it's time to move on to a different project. Twice now, I have decided that there was! This time, though, I think we're going to reach a really satisfying place to stop, at least as far as specifically Sam-focused stories go.
Once this arc ends -- and there is still a fair way to go yet, so don't panic! -- I will definitely start a brand new story of some kind. But there are other characters from S&F I'd like to explore, and lots of non-S&F related ideas as well! It's far enough away that I haven't decided exactly what I'll do first. But whatever I decide, I'm fairly confident that anyone who has enjoyed all the different stuff I've done over the last 11 years will probably dig what I do next, too. After all, if you guys didn't like it when I switched things up, you'd all have left a long time ago!
"Why are you surprisingly good at drawing burlesque outfits? Are you a frequenter of burlesque clubs? Or.... Dare I say it.... A PERFORMER?" -Puck
I have been to a few burleque shows... mainly geek-themed ones that have run at various conventions I've been to over the years. But honestly, the main reason I know anything about the costume styles is because I'm a fan of pin-up art and photography -- and because when I decided to do this story, I did a lot of research to try and depict the clothing (relatively) accurately!
Also, a lot of burlesque fashion is very two-toned -- pairing black with a second bright highlight colour -- so I think it translates particularly well into my art style.
"Say, was Conscious Cat able to come along during the heist? Would Herman and Gloria's defenses have noticed?" -Jake
I am very noncomittal about whether anyone can see Conscience Cat other than his current charge. That's why he generally only shows up to talk to Dev when no one else is paying attention. Whether that means he is actually imaginary or just very stealthy is up to you to decide!
That's a wrap for this week, team. See you on Monday!
-Sam Logan
Incognito Sketch'd Off
Thanks for all your awesome suggestions for the Incognito Sketch Off, team! I think we got a particularly aweomse batch of pieces this time. I enjoyed how creative and, at times, continuity driven your ideas were. It was a lot of fun!
If you'd like, you can see the full gallery of all the Sketch Off pieces by clicking the image below. There are 26 in total, and as always, all the originals are for sale. (Although many of them were already scooped up.) Black and white originals are $25, or $50 if you'd like me to add copic marker colouring. Woo!

-Sam Logan