Friends! I'm afraid I straight up ran out of time this week and didn't get to prep a Q and A feature for today. But hey... I do have an extra long comic for you today. So it's not all bad news!
Things are going to be a little crazy over the next little while, but at the very least, the comic itself will keep updating on schedule. Speaking of which, come back on Monday for the next one. See you then!
-Sam Logan
August Patreon Rewards are Up!
Patreon backers! All of this month's rewards are out now for backers of various levels, including:
-a new behind-the-scenes-stuffed issue of Sam and Fuzzy Extra
-new art added to the Secret Art Vault
-new pin-ups added to the "Saucy Hippo" Pin-Up Collection.
There's also a backer's choice bonus art vote for everyone, and a backer's choice pin-up vote for Saucy Hippo folks. (Which closes today, so don't forget to vote!) You can find out more about what's in everything over on my Patreon page.

We return on Friday with our next comic, and a new round of Q and A! As always, if you've got a question you'd like me to answer, just pop it in an email with "Q and A" in the subject line!
-Sam Logan
New books and shirts now on sale!
For those of you who haven't swung around these parts since last Thursday, a whole ton of exciting new Sam and Fuzzy swag went up for sale late last week!
In our online store, you'll find two brand new t-shirts -- Dress for the Job You Want and Live Fast Die Flung -- as well as all the new books that we Kickstarted last year!

Our latest book is Sam and Fuzzy Missing Inaction -- the fifth volume in the current series! In addition to collecting the entire Missing Inaction storyline, it also includes a ton of exclusive bonus features:
-Excerpts from Malcolm's Conspiracy Blog, featuring some of his important research into Mr. Sin, Mr. Rexford, and Space Gophers
-Author commentary and concept art
-A brand new 2-page Butcher and Baker comic
-A special afterword from President Dog
-A 16 page full colour bonus art gallery
Missing Inaction is available in both softcover and hardcover forms. We've also got a brand new 2-hardcover set, Omnibus III & IV, that collects all of Volume 1-4. That means the entire run of Sam and Fuzzy, from the "prequel" Classic and Noosehead sagas all the way to Volume 5 of the current saga, are now available in both softcover and hardcover. Woohoo!
Last but not least, you'll find one more new item in our online store -- artist edition bookplates. These are custom-drawn and personalized bookplates, just like the ones I offered in the past, for folks to stick inside the inside covers of their books. If you'd like one for one of your new books, or any of your old ones, you can order it here!
That's a wrap for today. Come back on Wednesday for our next comic!
-Sam Logan