Con'd out
Thanks to everyone who swung by the Gen Con booth this year. As always, it was a total blast! And it was great to see folks geek out over all the fancy new Sam and Fuzzy books.
Speaking on which, said fancy new books are also available to order online, for everyone who didn't have the good fortune of making it to Gen Con! The are giant and fancy and packed with fun bonus goodies.

-Sam Logan
Gen Con 2017!
Colnel Tusks has a lot of thoughts worth sharing.
This year's Gen Con is in full swing now! If you're at the show, you can find me at booth 2123 (the Blind Ferret booth). Check out the map in the previous newspost if you need some help finding it!
(And come back on Monday for our next comic, of course!)
-Sam Logan
Gen Con 2017!
It's that time again... time for this year's Gen Con in Indianapolis!
If you're going to be at the show, be sure to swing by booth 2123 (the Blind Ferret booth) and say hello! I'll be hanging out there, signing and sketching things. And a truly impressive array of Sam and Fuzzy swag will be available there, too, including all our new books and shirts, and plenty of the older ones as well!

Come back on Friday for our next comic. See you then!
-Sam Logan