Fan Expo Continues
If you're going to be at Fan Expo this weekend, be sure to swing by and see me at booth 541! You'll find a map that shows exactly where it is in the previous newspost. (It's the same place I usually am, if you've attended the show in the past!)
We return on Monday to see what all that rumbling is about. See you then, team!
-Sam Logan
Fan Expo Canada!
As you may or may not recall, butt webbing was just one of the original Fig Pig's many improbable abilities.
It's con time again! This time around, it's Toronto's Fan Expo! If you're going to be at the show, you can find me in our usual spot -- booth 541 -- with a broad assortment of Sam and Fuzzy swag in tow. Books, shirts, posters, original art... it'll all be there. Hope to see some of you there!

-Sam Logan
The Notebook
That would be this notebook, for those of you keeping track.
Heading off to Toronto tomorrow for this year's Fan Expo! I hope to see some of your there, team!

-Sam Logan