All thick and dull, all gravel and glass
I have returned from my snowboarding adventure with my friends Ashton and Chris. Thanks to Alteka for updating the site for me in my absence.
People are starting to get their I'm Communism shirts in the mail! I haven't gotten mine yet, but some folks have been nice enough to send me some photos. This one comes from Fallen's Aido.
Sam Logan
Season Two: Alteka & Fuzzy
Well it turns out Ashton's chron-something exploded for no logical reason at all *cough*Iknownothing*cough*, so I'm taking over today! Some of you already know me from the various artsy things that get posted here, which always involve mechas, destruction, and/or kitties... the best things in life.
Speaking of artsy things, here's a little thing Sam and I collaborated on. As you may infer, Sam's allergic to cats, while I'm always covered in them:

(original coloured version here)
We were thinking of doing a short comic together, perhaps involving Taxibot taking on giant railgun-armed mechas while delivering passengers.. or something like that. I'm still trying to hit a colouring style that works with his inking, so drop me a line if it's something you think would be neat. I have plenty of other colouring styles that might work too.
Their directive's tracking down your crime
I'll be out of town the next few days, trying my hand at snowboarding. Hopefully, it will go better than the last time I went snowboarding, which no one is allowed to talk about ever again.
Though I won't be here to do it myself, Friday's update should go up without a hitch thanks to some chron-something-or-another that codemeister Ashton whipped up with his ungodly powers.
All I'm Communism shirts have shipped!
Sam Logan