He's sick... sick, I tell you!
Today I realized I could have called this story "Fur More Years!" OH WELL.
We return on Friday with a new comic, and a brand new Friday Q and A column! If you've got a question you'd like me to answer, just pop it in an email with "Q and A" in the subject line. (Or tweet it at me.) See you then, team!
-Sam Logan

RIP Justin Beaver
(That was probably not actually his name.)
I am having a lot of fun with this story! I missed Conscience Cat. Come back on Wednesday for our next comic!
-Sam Logan
Catty dialogue
Whew! It has been a real zero brain focus kind of day, friends. I feel like I have been running late all day long! So I am just going to skip our usual Q and A and call it a day.
But Q and A will return next week, and our next comic will arrive on Monday. See you then!
-Sam Logan