Jess and Y are referring to the events of Game Night! As I'm sure you all remember. As for everyone's use of the word "yabbos"... I have no explanation for that. (Saucy Hippo patreon backers will also notice I've shuffled these pages around a little... it made this excerpt a more cohesive stand-alone read.)
In other news... we are having a "Last Chance" sale on a few of my classic t-shirts! (And apron!)
That's all for today, team. But see you on Friday!
Mini Q&A: Arm Edition
Someone wrote in with this very topical question, so I thought I'd do a little Q and A. Like old times!
" So, I guess X's arm has some kind of synthetic epidermis so he doesn't go out in public with a terminator arm?" -Anthony
This is basically correct, yes! X now has a pair of "realistic" cybernetic arms that he normally uses. The reveal of the Underground and elimination of the Committee's holdbacks on tech have presumably allowed for a boom in the advancement of prosthetic limbs.
The "seam" between Mr. X's arms and body is not super visible, but I tend to show a hint of it in shots where he's particularly up close, like this one.
Of course, even though X's arms are mechanical, his love of lifting at the gym has not faltered in any way. Plus, I guess he still needs to work his other non-mechnaical upper body muscles. (Is that where the quinticeps are? It probably is.)
Hope you all have a great week, friends! See you on Wednesday with our next comic.
So, I guess X's arm has some kind of synthetic epidermis so he doesn't go out in public with a terminator arm?
Vancouver Comic Arts Festival
All right! If you're gonna be in Vancouver this weekend, come swing by the Sam & Fuzzy table at this year's VanCAF! It's table e9 in the exhibition hall area. I am well on the mend now, so I'm feeling good about my odds... but if I can't make it, my fabulous wife Jesi will be there holding down the fort. We'll have a ton of S&F t-shirts and all the books, so come on by!
Meanwhile, our Personal Training excerpt continues here on the site today. And my favourite chunk arrives on Monday! Enjoy, and see you then.