Sinful development
Before I drew Mr. Sin's first appearance, I spent a lot of time (and pencil lead) trying to get his character design "just right." It's funny... you think you have a perfectly clear vision of a character in your mind, but when you actually sit down to draw him, you realize you don't actually have the foggiest idea about how he is supposed to look.
I settled on Mr. Sin's gangly body and elongated limbs right away, but his head was another story. I wanted him to have a simple face that was capable of both goofy exaggerated insanity and legitimately frightning anger... a face that really emphasized his erratic shifts in mood and demeanour. It was hard to do! Sometimes you just have to work it out by going through pages and pages of experiments until you stumble across that one design that captures the feeling you had in the back of your head.
Anyhow, if you are interested in this sort of thing, you can have a look at all my concept sketches for Mr. Sin by clicking the image below:

Sam Logan
Think you stole my lunch money made me cry
I'm leaving for San Diego in a few days. My newsposts will probably be a bit sparse this week because I'm busy getting ready for the convention. And while I'm gone, there probably won't be any newsposts at all! However the comic will be updating as usual while I am away, so you don't have to worry about missing out on your usual doses of Sam and Fuzzy nonsense.
My printer is hard at work assembling many, many copies of the new book. I should have a small number of them ready just in time for me to take along to San Diego, and the rest should be finished by the time I get back. Woo!
Sam Logan
The bad kind of hugging
The story of Chompy is probably one of the most well-liked in the Sam and Fuzzy archive. It's one of my favourites, too. Chompy's full origin story can be found here. It can also be found in sexy, eye-friendly dead-tree format in the first Sam and Fuzzy book. (The one with the tabloid magazine parody on the cover.) Finally, the single strip explaining how he came to live with Rikk is right over here.
It was also a lot of fun to be working with Rikk again. I still had Mr. Estoban and his brainfork fresh in my mind after using them in the original bonus story for book two. The real Rikk gets a little grumpy about how goofy I depict his cartoon counterpart, but honestly, I think it's a lot closer to the truth than he'd like to admit!
Sam Logan