Tell me where the boy is
The second batch of posters will be going to press next week. If you're looking to get one and are able to place your order before Monday, it's much appreciated -- pre-orders help me cover the printing cost and gauge how many I'm going to need for the future.
See you on Friday!
Sam Logan
Year Neo
In crazy bonus comic news, I have a guest strip running over at Scarygoround today! This is the fifth time I've filled in for John, and not coincidently, the fifth time I've been reminded of what a tough act he is to follow. Anyhow, you can check out my attempt by clicking the image below!

Sam Logan
I believe in Harvey Dent
Is this a sign that the next Batman film will be borrowing from The Long Halloween? If you read the book, you'll understand why I'm suspicious... and at the same time, you'll also get to enjoy one of the best Batman comics ever. Bonus!
In other news, check out this newly discovered footage from a proposed mid-ninties Sonic the Hedgehog game that would have aped the look and feel of the then-airing Saturday morning cartoon. Can you believe it? Someone was already trying to make a terrible Sonic game all those years ago! They were definitely ahead of their time.
Sam Logan