Current Story:
The NMS Series (2009 - Present)
Our current story can be enjoyed without any previous knowledge of Sam and Fuzzy, which makes it a great place for new readers to start! You can read it online, or in book collections published by Topatoco!
Volume One
Sam and Fuzzy Fix Your Problem
Troubled by ninja mafiosos? Gangster gerbils? Vampire stalkers? Don't worry! Sam and Fuzzy can fix your problem. Now, if only someone could fix theirs...
Read it online!
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Volume Four
Sam and Fuzzy Ruined Everything
Have you ever done a bad thing for a good reason? A new era begins here!
Read it online!
Past Stories:
Each of our previous stories is a self-contained arc that can be enjoyed on its own, but that fits in as one more piece of the larger Sam and Fuzzy epic. If you've already enjoyed our current arc, or just really want to check out the older material first, here is where to find it!
The Noosehead Series (2006 - 2009)
What happens when the world's most famous hardcore heavy metal vocalist decides he'd rather sing about kittens than corpses? And what does he have to do with our titular duo, anyway? A tale of action, romance, comedy, tragedy, and ninjas.
The Classic Series (2003 - 2006)
Enter Sam and Fuzzy's surreal world of dating disasters, taxi-driving action superstars, time-travelling, ninja mafiosos and possessed refridgerators, and watch as our strip transforms from gag-a-day to epic saga!
Volume Zero (2002 - 2003)
The first Sam and Fuzzy strips are a little rough around the edges, but are not without their hardcore advocates. This is not the best place for new readers to start, but if you have enjoyed the rest of the archive, dive in here to see the comic's awkward-yet-lovable adolescence.
Read it online!
Emerald City (Seattle) Mar 28-30
Fan Expo Vancouver Apr 18-20
Calgary Expo Apr 24-27
