Know your corgs, friends. You never know when it might come in handy!
And that, my friends, is a wrap for this run of stand-alone strips we've been doing for the last couple of weeks. I hope you enjoyed them... I had a lot of fun drawing them, and to be honest, I really needed the break! (If you can call continuing to draw the same number of comics as usual a "break".)
But next week, we're back to business as usual, as we jump into our next big chapter of Sam and Fuzzy. Hold onto your butts! See you on Monday.
-Sam Logan
Inktober/Halloween originals up for grabs!
Today: a candy-coated coda to the holidays. Then I've got one last piece of stand alone goofiness for you on Friday, before we leap headlong back into the next chapter of Sam and Fuzzy on Monday!
In other news, I've made a gallery of all 41(!) of the original Inktober and Halloween Sketch-Off illustrations I drew this month. Check out all the crazy pics right here! And if there are any pieces you particularly like, I heartily encourage you to nab the original art. Most of them are $35-$40, except for a couple of the particularly simple or elaborate ones, and they're all one of a kind. Plus, you'll be happy paying my dear elderly dog Mac's vet bills. (He's a good boy.)

Come back on Friday for more comics. See you then!
-Sam Logan
Halloween Sketch-Off Today!
It's that time again, friends... time for my annual Halloween Sketch-Off, where I spend the day drawing S&F characters in Halloween costumes based on reader suggestions.
I'll be starting around 11:30 AM Pacific Time this year! I won't be streaming this time around, but I'll post photos of each drawing as I finish it on Twitter and Instagram.
If you've got a costume idea for a particular character -- ie: Fuzzy as a Werewolf, Jess as a Witch, Mr. X as Batman, Dev as a Crystal Gem, etc. etc! -- just send it my way on twitter! (Or if you don't use twitter, email it to me.) I'll pick my favourite suggestions and draw 'em up!
As always, I'll be selling the completed drawings, so let me know if you see one you like! They'll be $35 each, or $60 if you'd like me to marker colour the art. This year I'm going to go with a more polished style, similar to the Inktober art I've been doing, rather than the quicker/sketchier style I've used in past Sketch-Offs. So there won't be quite as many drawings, but they should look pretty sharp!
That's a wrap for today. See you on Wednesday, team!
-Sam Logan