Hello!? I'm trying to focus
Today we embark on a brave new storyline. You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll laugh and cry. Simultaneously. IN SPACE.
Erik McCurdy of It's All Been Done and Didn't Think This Through has been working on another webcomic the past little while. It's called Banish Ed, and it has gotten off to a solid start! I've also really been enjoying Martin's Misdirection, which I found by way of Erik's site. Check 'em both out!
Sam Logan
Self-aware screaming
As an extra bonus for today's update, here is the first picture of the entire Noosehead band that I have ever posted online. Just click the image to see the full sized version!

There are thirteen members in the band, including the piece of looseleaf paper, and they all perform very important musical functions. For example, that guy in the back sitting on the speaker is creating mic feedback.
I have been getting a lot of emails lately asking where I got the PHP coding used to power the Sam and Fuzzy archive. Well, like basically everything on this website, the archive was programed by my good buddy Ashton, who has since made his Kamikaze Comic Manager script available to download for free on his website. Be sure to thank him if you use it!
Sam Logan
As your road narrows, so mine goes wider
What's worse than having four weeks worth of your favourite television show pre-empted? Having it pre-empted by American Idol! So help me, when I turn my TV to Fox next Tuesday at 9 PM, I had better see Jack Bauer bursting onto the Idol stage with a hacksaw, or at least a head in a bowling bag.
For whatever reason, Sam and Fuzzy has been getting way more unique visitors than normal for the last week or two. Where are you people all coming from? Email me and let me know!
Sam Logan