Whispering Willows
You remember Archie, don't you? Of course you do! And don't you let him try to suggest otherwise. You come visit at least once a year! What more does he want?
A very special guest strip that I made for my pal Joel should be going live on his site sometime in the next couple of days. I can't way for you to see it! It's very much a continuation of the rich themes established in the guest strip he did for me a few months back, and contains ideas so overwhelmingly terrible, they make "Fart Trap" look like "Han Shot First". So, there you go! Something to look forward to.
Is there anyone out there who bought a copy of Sam and Fuzzy Are Very Famous, but still hasn't received the new Book Club bonus pack? Correct this terrible oversight immediately by emailing me to let me know!
-Sam Logan
Gobble gobble
It's been a long time since we've seen Earl! But as you can see, he's exactly where we left him.
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving, Canadian thanksgivers! And a happy regular Monday to the rest of you, too. I hope you all experience your day in whatever manner you deem most appropriate. Here's a new comic for you, to kick things off on the right foot! (Or possibly to finish them off, depending on what time of the day you like to read your webcomics.)
Come back on Wednesday for more stuff!
-Sam Logan
Sam and Fuzzy Q & A: Millions of Dollars Edition
Got a question you want answered? Just drop me an email with "Q & A" in the subject line!
"Why is a Raven like a writing desk? No, seriously." -Emily
Both are flat on the top, both are made out of wood, and both need to be regularly varnished. Next question!
"Is Fuzzy ever going to help NMS out with his millions of dollars? Or is this part of the plot and I shouldn't have asked? " -Alex
On the one hand, Sam is pretty determined to stand on his own two feet and not turn to his friends for charitable investments. In that back-linked strip, they're talking about Nicole, but I imagine he'd feel the same way about Fuzzy.
On the other hand, Fuzzy is not likely to wait for Sam's permission to start slinging money around. So it depends entirely on what Fuzzy decides to do! And what your definition of "help" is.
"When Fuzzy refused to do some immoral side operations behind Sam's back, I thought it seemed really out of character. I found a very similar situation here, only Fuzzy was all too willing to go behind Sam's back, because Fuzzy wanted to earn money his own way through cons and schemes. He also clearly has no problems with extorting. And Fuzzy has always loved the way the original ninja mafia did things. So why the sudden character shift? Has being around Sam rubbed off on Fuzzy? Or is it the curse of being changed into a relatable character watering down his wackiness?" -Dan
I like your question, Dan! And not just because it's enormous and full of backlinks.
Has Fuzzy softened a little over the years? Absolutely. But not that much. Fuzzy's appetite for cons and extortion is still very healthy. So I think you can attribute his reluctance entirely to the repercussions Sin's plan would have for Sam.
Fuzzy is happy to encourage Sam to bend the rules -- or to outright bend them for him -- when he thinks it's good for Sam. The classic story you mentioned is a great example of that. But pulling a scheme that could potentially throw Sam's entire life under a metaphorical bus? Would Fuzzy really go that far?
I guess we'll all find out in the comics ahead!
"Have you ever considered doing a print/desktop with the cast of Sam and Fuzzy as the cast of Psychonauts? I hardcore LOVE that game and I think you could pull it off." -Kimberly
Kimberly, I love Psychonauts. But unfortunately, I'm under the impression that the number of other people who have experienced Psychonauts is tragically low. Because of that, I'm not sure the demand for a Psychonauts parody will be very strong!
I'd love to be proven wrong, though. Book Clubbers, let me know if this is a thing you want! And if any of you haven't played Psychonauts... please, please play Psychonauts!
"My first which is admittedly prying: How much revenue does Sam and Fuzzy generate? I know you also work on YES Mag and KNOW magazines, but I've always been curious what web-cartoonists mean when they say they can 'support themselves' on the comic." -Indigno
Indigno, I feel your pain. Webcartoonists get asked this, overtly or indirectly, all the time. And why wouldn't they? Lots of folks want to pursue a career in webcomics. They want to know how viable it is. They want to know if "making a living" means owning a house and a car, or sleeping on a sofa in your Uncle's basement.
The problem is, well... income is a pretty private thing! I think most of the people reading today would be reluctant to publicly announce how much they make in front of an audience of tens of thousands of people. And I think you'll find most webcartoonists feel the same way. I'm sure you understand!
That said, I can tell you this much: Yes, webcartooning is a real job. A real, serious adult-person job that is paying many people a real, serious adult-person living. (Or in my case, about half of one, with the other half coming from magazine work.) I promise they aren't just making, like, pizza money. They are supporting their kids and buying houses and feeding their dogs, just like regular grown-ups. It's not a lie. Just trust me on this one. I know a lot of webcartoonists. (And also, I am one!)
"This stuff with The Committee and them all having numbers... is it at all influenced by season 4 of hit TV show Prison Break, starring Wentworth Miller? " -Joshua
Good god... there were four seasons of Prison Break?
Well, that's a wrap for this week! Come back on Monday for more comics, team.
-Sam Logan